Current nutrition trends – “vetDIET” outcomes

Posted by on July 7, 2020

We would like to present final version of report containing research and analysis about current dietary trends within the project “vetDIET” prepared by three project partners from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. This report is a summary of experiences and good practices collected by three Partners of “vetDIET” project. As a conslusions for our report we would like to underline that it is extremely important to raise public awareness of social and climate change issues to prove that balanced food production and climate policy is a chance for development. Within our project we would like to show practices for learners, teaching staff and company employees how to save resources, reduce energy consumption and waste, to choose sustainable food production. Plant-based diet, vegan and vegetarian food, meat consumption reduction is no more a trend, but rather a real obligation to save Earth. People eat about 230 million tons of meat a year, twice as much as 30 years ago.

Publication is financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program.

The publication only reflects the position of its authors and the European Commission is not responsible for the report content.

Full version of the report is available here.