International Partners Meeting in Klaipeda

International Partners Meeting in Klaipeda

The implementation of the “Dressmaking and Lingerie from three countries by the Baltic Sea” project is coming to an end in small steps and we are approaching one of its more important stages, namely the organization of training in Bialystok, in which teachers from the Klaipeda and Liepaja schools will participate. On January 15, 2020 another meeting of project partners took place in Klaipeda. The program of the meeting included...

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National Information Day 2020

National Information Day 2020

On 08.01.2020 National Information Day organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) took place at PGE Narodowy. It is a large, nationwide event, attended by all institutions, organizations and companies interested in implementing educational projects under programs managed by FRSE. The program abounded in many interesting theme sessions and accompanying events, including good practice fairs or expert...

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Conference in Skopje with the participation of Perfect Project

Conference in Skopje with the participation of Perfect Project

On December 17, 2019 a conference summarizing the “Treasure” project took place in Skopje (Macedonia). During the event, interested politicians gathered around a round table and opened a discussion on sustainable development in Northern Macedonia. During the conference, project results and successes of implemented pilot projects were presented, and participants were awarded certificates. We invite you to view photos from the...

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Meetings at schools with a representative of a partner from Vilnius

Meetings at schools with a representative of a partner from Vilnius

At the beginning of November 2019, our company began the implementation of another foreign mobility project, in this case in partnership with a Lithuanian organization – Global Ideas. On December 3-4, 2019 schools participating in the consortium were visited by a representative of a partner institution from Vilnius to provide students with the most important information about the internship country (as part of cultural preparation),...

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Internships at KOMANDOR

Internships at KOMANDOR

We are already halfway through the internships of five students from a vocational school from Klaipeda. Students have completed health and safety training, and each day they carry out more and more advanced tasks, under the constant supervision of a mentor in the company. The stay in Bialystok passes in a nice, pre-Christmas atmosphere. Please look for some photos:...

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