A group of interns from Klaipeda

A group of interns from Klaipeda

In the period of October 25-14, 2020 there is a group of students from a vocational school from Klaipeda in Białystok, who came to complete 3-week internships in companies. Today (October 26, 2020), students took part in an organizational meeting, then met with their tutors in companies, and at the end of the day they took part in language classes. We wish the students many positive impressions from their stay in our city....

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Meeting of the working group for program modification

Meeting of the working group for program modification

On October 20, 2020 the first meeting of the working group for the modification of curricula in the professions of automation technician and construction technician at the Technical School Complex in Suwałki. The event took place as part of the project implemented by Perfect Project entitled “Danplum” in partnership with the Technical School Complex in Suwałki and the City of Suwałki. The meeting was attended by school principals,...

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Next meeting of Partners under the “vetDIET” project

Next meeting of Partners under the “vetDIET” project

Activities under the international project “vetDIET” continue despite the pandemic and a number of limitations. And so on September 25, 2020 the third partner meeting took place in Vilnius. The host of the meeting was Profesinio mokymo centras “Zirmunai”. The meeting was attended by representatives of Perfect Project and Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas profesionala vidusskola. Detailed information about the meeting is available on the...

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Perfect Project supporting as a result of COVID-19

Perfect Project supporting as a result of COVID-19

On 09/17/2020 the management board of Perfect Project has signed a contract for co-financing the project entitled “Support for the maintenance of business activity of Perfect Project Sp. z o.o. in the result of a significant decrease in turnover due to COVID-19 ”. The project is implemented under the Regional Operational Program of the Podlaskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority axis I: Strengthening the potential and competitiveness of...

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Current nutrition trends – “vetDIET” outcomes

Current nutrition trends – “vetDIET” outcomes

We would like to present final version of report containing research and analysis about current dietary trends within the project “vetDIET” prepared by three project partners from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. This report is a summary of experiences and good practices collected by three Partners of “vetDIET” project. As a conslusions for our report we would like to underline that it is extremely important to raise public awareness of...

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International meetings in a new reality

International meetings in a new reality

The coronavirus outbreak did not stop the international projects by Perfect Project. Although this is a major impediment to the project as planned, we use resources and methods to ensure that the work proceeds as scheduled. And so, on 5.06.2020. the second international meeting of partners within the “vetDIET”, project took place online. The event proceeded according to a pre-established agenda of the meeting, all planned...

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