Vocational training of young people for the competitiveness of the Podlasie economy

Vocational training of young people for the competitiveness of the Podlasie economy

In the competition planned by the Podlasie Marshal’s Office as the Managing Authority of the Podlaskie Regional Operational Programme for years 2014-2020 our company prepares applications for subsidies from the European Social Fund under Priority Axis III competencies and qualifications, the sub-measure 3.3.1 Vocational training of youth for the competitiveness of the Podlasie economy. The projects intend to help schools in implementing...

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Joint initiatives of Perfect Project and Competence Center in Liepaja

Joint initiatives of Perfect Project and Competence Center in Liepaja

Liepaja is Latvia’s third largest city and one of the country’s main port cities. Due to the high competitiveness and innovativeness of the vocational school in Liepaja and the extensive experience in implementing international projects, Perfect Project representatives decided to meet with a foreign partner to undertake joint ventures for the development of vocational training for the needs of the labor market. The first joint...

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The strength of the partnership for vocational education development

The strength of the partnership for vocational education development

In the days 25th and 26th September, 2017 representatives of Perfect Project met with representatives of Klaipeda Science and Technology Park (Lithuania). The main topic of the meeting was establishing close and focused cooperation between the science and business sectors and ensuring greater transnational economic competitiveness. The accompanying event was a networking meeting with a representative of CSHM (Spain) in the field of courses...

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Confrence: Edutronix – Innovations in education

Confrence: Edutronix – Innovations in education

Dear Guest, We sincerely thank you for attending the conference Edutronix – Innovations in education, which took place in Ibis Styles Hotel Bialystok on 20th September 2017. It was pleasure to host you, to be able to listen interesting speeches and to participate in discussions. Without your participation the conference wouldn’t be such an excellent event. It was a really pleasure to watch your interest in topics and Edutronix exhibition. We...

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About educational cooperation with Italy

About educational cooperation with Italy

Problems and expectations concerning vocational training in Poland and Italy and the possibility of cooperation of Podlasie vocational schools with Italian partners were the main topics during the meeting of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Board Member Bogdan Dyjuk with the Director of System of the Italian Ministry of Education – Anna Brancaccio and Rosella Brindani – CIS training and consulting center for vocational training in Italy....

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What are the perspectives for the development of organic food in catering branch?

What are the perspectives for the development of organic food in catering branch?

Perfect Project Sp. z o.o. together with the partners: Centro Superior de Hosteleria del Mediterraneo, a vocational center from Spain and Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas profesionala vidusskola, a vocational school from Latvia, will be investigating the issue of how the food industry can become more competitive through organic products such as healthy fast food. In the partnership we would like to try to answer the question: what obstacles are faced...

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