Erasmus+ KA1
“European Mobility of Pupils (EMU)” within the sector “KA1 Education and Vocational Training”
Our Key action 1 project include four-week internship trip to our Lithuanian partner school, where group of 24 pupils will conduct their internships and 2 accompanying persons – group leaders will held job shadowing due to the theme of the project and the ability to compare vocational training in the two countries and to strengthen European cooperation in education and training.
Duration of the internship in companies will be the same as the practice time that participants held in companies in their country during the course of school education.
– raising the level of key competences and skills through learning mobility and cooperation between the worlds of education and work,
– improving the quality, innovation and internationalization of educational institutions,
– modernization of education systems through the exchange of good practices and results, and the use of European tools to facilitate the recognition and transferability of qualifications,
– developing the international dimension of education and training institutions in particular through cooperation with countries participating in the program with the institution of the partner countries in the program of education and training,
– teaching and learning of foreign languages.
The project will contribute to increasing the quality and quantity of regional mobility of people involved in vocational training .
Lithuanian partner of the project – thanks to a joint project gets new experience of international cooperation with the school to teach in the specialty techniques tourist services, raise its prestige, will therefore be better known in Poland and can count on new partners mobility projects, attracted with an example of the successful implementation of the project.
2015 April 13 – May 08:
Monitoring the mobility of students in Lithuania.
Students are staying at internships. Our part of the job was to try to take care of everything else. We have been preparing documents and visited internships places. Supervised schedule and tasks on-site in Lithuania during internships of students within the project. We hope that the internship will bring the expected results, and all participants will bring only good memories from Lithuania.
2015 February 18:
Next working meeting of Polish Partners – mobility issues in Lithuania.
During the visit the work team was preparing documents and discussed the internships places. Timetable and execution of the tasks on Lithuanian site during planned for April internships students in the project was a key topic. We hope that decisions taken durring the meeting will improve and make it easier for participants to stay, and enrich it a bit by the planned additional activities.
- Spotkanie1 – luty 2015
- Spotkanie2 – luty 2015
- Spotkanie3 – luty 2015
- Spotkanie4 – luty 2015
2014 December 3:
Working meeting of Polish Partners.
During the visit, we have been preparing and discussing the final shape of work plan, timetable, basic documents which will be necessary inside the project and planned meetings with participants and their parents. Lot of work still in progres.
- Praca nad dokumentami
- Burza mózgów
- Przerwa
2014 November 5-6:
Memorandum of Understanding & preparatory visit.
During the visit, we have been preparing, have discussed and agreed as follows:
1. The implementation of internships with employers in the industry appropriate to the profession of student learning;
2. The organization of internships (including contracts) in the regional companies and hotels;
3. the organization of the accommodation and food;
4. The timing and preparation of information and organizational meeting for participants;
5. The organization of lectures in the field of professional help graduates and the unemployed;
6. The present transfer system of education / training (ECVET);
7. The exchange of experiences associated with the staff of the partner institution;
8. organization integration meeting with teachers and local authorities;
9. The program for students on the culture of the country;
10. cooperation between schools in terms of subsequent + Erasmus Action;
11. Access to the experience in the development of key competences.
During the visit we also made:
– visit of a local school facilities;
– assessment of organizational capabilities and established the details of the involvement of a partner;
– set the proposed location of internships;
– established the Polish-language mentor interns on the side of Lithuania
– clarifies the program, schedule and financial conditions of the project;
– refined procedure for the adoption of participants;
– set the program details of your stay and internship program;
– refined procedures for monitoring of placements;
– set the financial terms of cooperation and the scope of mutual obligations;
– chosen internship places for the participants.
Photo documentary below:
- Budynek 1
- Budynek 2
- Spotkanie przygotowujące – uczestnicy
- Spotkanie przygotowujące – uczestnicy 2
- Spotkanie przygotowujące
- Przykładowa lekcja języka polskiego
- Negocjacje protokołu ustaleń
- Negocjacje protokułu ustaleń
- Podpisanie protokołu ustaleń
- Wymiana protokułu ustaleń
- Podsumowanie wizyty
- Pożegnanieprzed wyjazdem