Erasmus+ KA2 PL-LT-LV

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“International Partnership for Improving the Quality of Teaching in Vocational Schools” within strategic partnerships developed in the sector “KA2 Education and Vocational Training”

Project consortium:

Leader of Partnership

Partner LTPartner LVPartner PL


Our Key action 2 project is developed to modernize the education system with project partners to August 31, 2017 year through the preparation, testing and promotion of innovative methods and techniques of teaching and learning in vocational education, using innovative, strategic approach in the following system: from modern tools to assess the skills and professional qualifications, by creating on the basis of innovative methods of teaching and learning techniques using multimedia technology and ICT learning materials developed vocational subjects, including foreign language training, to the creation of innovative training programs.

The idea of the project was based on observation and evaluation studies. Innovation project manifests itself in the way of the introduction and development results. It is a specific strategy which consists of a number of smaller elements in the form of development tools to investigate the qualifications, then on its basis of modern methods , yet not adapted with partners, materials to create a program of innovative training.

In fact , it is worth mentioning that, the whole action takes place in the international area, crosssectorally (vocational schools – the employer), using modern methods of communication (videochat, videoconference). All four results generated by partners complement each other and are mutually complementary, which further demonstrates the synergies in the design and perfectly fits the idea of a strategic partnership.

PRIORITIES inside the project are as follows:
– customize the process of training to the national, regional and local economic development strategies,
– developing partnerships between education and employers.

The main aim of the project is to improve the quality and innovation in vocational education and training. The dissemination of the project results will play a vital role in achieving this goal in a European dimension. Applicant with partners carefully prepared strategy for dissemination to adequately match the intended actions and provide for adequate reach the target groups. Dissemination of the project will be a dynamic process, continuous, continued even after the completion of the project.














1. Results Book – From an e-learning platform to a professional skills training system (EN)

2. Results Book – From an e-learning platform to a professional skills training system (PL)

3. Methods – Development of an innovative teaching method in a vocational school

4. Materials – Electronic Marketing

5. Booklet – Business English Exercises

All results are available also on Project Moodle Platform




Conducting trainings in the premises of employers regarding the use of the strategic training system:

2017-04-28_raport_(firma Ideal)

2017-04-28_raport_(firma MPO )

2017-05-08_raport_(firma Lakis)


2017-05-26_raport_(firma BPNT)




2017-07-06 raport (firma T-matic)

2017-07-11 raport (firma Bitcraf)

2017-08-03 raport (firma RCK)

2017-08-10 raport (firma Ekoexpert)



in Podlasie vocational schools from material posted on the platform:









at “Podlaska Platforma Edukacyjna

at “Podlaskie Wieści Oświatowe”



Report on the Analysis of the Needs of Stakeholders




2017 June 09

An international dissemination seminar “Teaching quality improvement of vocational education institutions in the context of international cooperation”, Lomza, Poland

On the seminar in Poland there were invited all the project partners, the project team from Lomza, School students, who piloted the project developed materials, teachers, school partners and guests. International seminar were closing of hard work during the period from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2017.

Seminar program

Outcome of the project – the Moodle platform adopted to modern educational processes in vocational schools you can find on:

Please find also photo documentation in the gallery below:


2017 May 15

Dissemination activities – Perfect Project abroad.

Perfect Project Team had dissemination meeting in Centro Superior De Hosteleria Del Mediterraneo (Walencja, Hiszpania) – a symbol of the development of Spanish and Mediterranean Cuisine and one of the best centres to study Cooking and Gastronomy.

Perfect Project representative received an request to organize customized meeting with school representatives, to present how to use in practice three really interesting for the school courses. It was really successful meeting, during which we could reach big target group of vocational representatives and people who can influence for local educational policy and encourage them to use project outcomes.


2017 April 07

An international dissemination seminar “Teaching quality improvement of vocational education institutions in the context of international cooperation”, Baltoji Vokes, Lithuania

On the seminar in Lithuania there were invited all the project partners, the project team from Baltoi Voke, School students, who piloted the project developed materials, teachers, school partners and guests. International seminar were closing of hard work during the period from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2017.

Seminar program

Outcome of the project – the Moodle platform adopted to modern educational processes in vocational schools you can find on:

Please find also photo documentation in the gallery below:

2017 March 24

An international dissemination seminar “Teaching quality improvement of vocational education institutions in the context of international cooperation”, Daugavpils, Latvia

On the seminar were invited all the project partners: Economic and General Education School Complex No. 6 Lomza (Lider from Poland); Perfect Project Ltd. Bialystok (Poland); Vilnius Technology Business and Agricultural School in Baltosios Vokės (Lithuania), the project team from Daugavpils Trade Vocational High School students, who piloted the project developed materials, teachers, school partners and guests.

International workshop were closing of hard work during the period from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2017. The seminar was opened by three headmasters of educational institutions and the company – Perfect Project representative. Daugavpils Universitātes teacher Dzintra Iliško gave his presentation about ICT integration opportunities in vocational training. The first part of the workshop, each partner of the project presented its follow-up and results. The seminar in the second half of the restaurant service specialist group R 12 students showed their work in the pilot study materials, lessons showed fragments and listed the benefits that they see, learning MOODLE platform.

It was set out in the benefits of the project and the role of students, teachers, employers and partners at work, discussed the results of the project implementation capabilities. There was also a seminar participants in a panel discussion. In final part, participants of the project issued certificates.

The next scheduled meeting of the project participants will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania – April 7, 2017, where will take place also an international seminar, but the project final conference will take place in Poland, Lomza – June 9, 2017.

Seminar program

Video (original language):

Outcome of the project – the Moodle platform adopted to modern educational processes in vocational schools you can find on:

Please find also photo documentation in the gallery below:


2017 March 03

International Project Meeting in Baltosios Vokės, Lithuania

One of the last Project meetings inside the International Partnership for Improving the Quality of Teaching in Vocational Schools was held in Lithuania in Partner School in Baltoji Voke on 3rd March 2017.
Durring the meeting we made a lot of efforts to discuss all the relevant issues especially about our recent actions and all the forthcomming issues related to last Intelectual Output and dissemination activities inside the project.

We made a presentation of the revised materials for vocational foreign language training – PP Bialystok.
We also made a presentation of proposals for testing and self-assesment which will be placed at the beginning of unit in each course – PP Bialystok.
Our Latvian Partner made a presentation of the progress of implementation of the course in Bussiness Ethics.
Presentation of
the progress of implementation of the Communication course was made by Lithuanian school hosting the meeting and presentation of the progress of implementation of the ICT course was made by Lider of the Project.

After a short coffee break we were discussing, what should be changed to improve the courses, how and also what should be a matter of the dissemination of project results. We were also talking about the details of preparation of a summarizing conferences in Latvia and Lithuania and some organizational matters, project documents and others as a reminder of the basic rules of its preparation.

Please find photo documentation in the gallery below:


2017 February 13

On-going work.

Perfect Project Team invites all cooperating institutions to read project outcome, which was created by Perfect Project, with big support of companies from Bialystok, Podlaskie region, Daugavpils, Vilnius, Baltoji Voke and Lomza and many, many other places. Thank you very much for all constructive opinions and remarks.

The  objective  of  the  report  was  to  understand  the  needs  and  expectations  of  entrepreneurs cooperating  with  schools  and  students  participating  in  the  project  in  order  to  effectively prepare a program of trainings.

Please read more on report uploaded to platform Moodle:


2017 January 20

On-going work, dissemination activities.

Perfect Project Team had dissemination meeting in Augustowskie Centrum Edukacyjne – one of the biggest vocational schools from Podlaskie region, mainly specialized in mechatronic and ICT sector. Perfect Project received an request to organize customized meeting with school teachers, to present how to use in practice three really interesting for the school courses. It was really successful meeting, during which we could reach big target group of vocational teachers and encourage them to use project outcomes.

Project Team invite more schools. Please find more information in project offices:

Leader of Partnership

Partner LTPartner LVPartner PL


2016 December 23

Christmas break.

Dear all,

We would like announce, that from December 24, 2016 till 6 January, 2017 all project offices will be closed regarding Christmas Time of each Project Partner. We stop for a few weeks, but after that break we will proceed all works according the agenda.

Happy and Merry Christmas and all the and success in the coming year!

Project Partners from Łomża, Białystok, Daugavpils and Baltoji Voke.


2016 December 02

International Project Meeting in Lomza, Poland

Next meeting in the project International Partnership for Improving the Quality of Teaching in Vocational Schools was held in Poland in Leader School in Lomza on 2nd December.
During the meeting we were able to make a presentations of the reports on the implementation of the courses:

  • ICT course – Latvia
  • Business Ethics course – Lithuania
  • Communication course – Lomza

Also a presentation of the syllabus for the course of foreign language training was made by PP Bialystok. Presentation of the report on the use of materials prepared by the school from Lithuania in courses for students was also presented by PP Bialystok.
After a short break a discussion started aboiut what should be changed to improve the courses and all partners were also discussing of the syllabus.

We were talking also about documenting activity inside courses where a representative of the Leader has a main voice. Also some organizational matters were discussed.

Please find photo documentation in the gallery below:










2016 November 04

International Partners Meeting in Baltosios Vokės, Lithuania

Next International Partners Meeting on 4th November 2016 at Lithuanian Partner was focused after starting the meeting at:
1. Presentation of notes, tips, comments, etc. resulting from the implementation of the ICT course – Latvian Partner
2. Presentation of notes, tips, comments, etc. resulting from the implementation of the course of ethics in business – Lithuanian Partner
3. Presentation of notes, tips, comments, etc. resulting from the implementation of the course of communication – Leader from Lomza

After a short break we started a discussion about what might be changed to improve the courses, as improved and revised courses shall be the result of the result 5 – PP Bialystok
We were also presenting the concept of building materials for learning professional foreign language – PP Bialystok and discussing the presented concept.

Also documenting the activity inside courses were presented by a representative of the Leader as well as dissemination and organizational matters.

Please find photo documentation in the gallery below:









2016 October 1

Project Teams have already started implementation of all Intellectual Output.

We are happy to announce that all IOs have already prepared. Today we start complex procedure of implementing all IOs in the project schools, as well in other target groups, invited to project stages. Implementation means Perfect Project Team supporting by Project Partners, will be teaching through platform using prepared materials, method and mainly three courses. That phase will be finished August, 31, 2017. So there is a lot of time to gather all opinions, remarks or proposals to improve project outcomes.

We invite all cooperating institutions: schools, companies and local representatives to join project implementation and together participate in more effective vocational trainings in the future.

Project Outcomes are free to use, without any payments.

Within few days, you will receive customized information about project outcomes.

Feel free to contact us.


2016 September 30

Intellectual output no. 4

We are happy to introduce fourth intellectual output within the Project. Please read more on output report uploaded to platform moodle:


2016 September 16

International Partners Meeting in Lomza, Poland

Next International Partners Meeting on 16th September 2016 at Leader school was focused on showing 3 courses prepared by the Perfect Project Bialystok. Presentations were made by team members with a people who directly were preparing the courses.

Durring the meeting we were also working with the use of tool (platform) and those mentioned prepared courses in 3 areas.

Main discussion fields were about:
– Discussion of issues related to the implementation of courses;
– Discussion on the effects of implementation of courses;
– Discussion about dissemination seminars with foreign partners;
– Schedule for the next meeting with the Leader and Partners;
– Reporting issues (posts on the internet, management reports).

Please find photo documentation in the gallery below:









2016 July 1

Summer holidays break.

Dear All,
We would like announce, that from July 1, 2016 till 31 August, 2016 schools project teams will be having summer holidays break. Only Daugavpils Partner will be working with finalizing second IO. Schools stop for a few weeks, but after that break they will proceed all works according the agenda. Perfect Project Team do not have summer holidays break, so in please feel free to contact: [email protected] or [email protected]


2016 June 17

International Partners Meeting in Daugavpils, Latvia

Next International Partners Meeting on 17th June 2016 at Latvian Partner was focused on presenting the example of questionnaire for pupils, including agreed dates of conducting them. Polish Partner presented also the topics of chosen courses. Presentations methods nad creating a presentations in Prezi were a key point of ICT training.

After a break we were working on a platform with chosen courses – especially Business Ethics Training – Block 1 (2 topics), which were discussed, about the content and technical issues related to activities included inside the training.

Also dissemination and organizational matters were discussed.

Please find photo documentation in the gallery below:

2016-06-17 11.06.44









2016 June 16

Please find below a recent article about project. We encourage everybody to use our platform and its content.







2016 May 20

International Partners Meeting in Bialystok, Poland

Perfect Project LLC

He are happy that the project team is expanding and more experts, teachers and trainers are involved by our company to develop the project results. It was the most numerous meeting since the project launch. Topics for Partners Meeting were as follows:
1. Presentation of the questionnaire for employers and prepared a report of the survey, with particular emphasis on the needs of employers in each country. Conclusions from the report- Perfect Project Representative.
2. Presentation of Entrepreneurs – Analysis of competence needs from the perspective of the entrepreneur.
3. Presentation selected courses with justification – Perfect Project Representative.
4. Presentation of the concept of the result 4, based on selected courses – Perfect Project Representative.
5. Discussion on the concept of results 4.
6. Organizational matters.
All remarks were sent to Leader right after the meeting as well.
Please find photo documentation in the galery below:


2016 April 26

International Partners Meeting in Daugavpils, Latvia

Daugavpils Trade Vocational Secondary School

In our partner facilities during the International Partners Meeting in Daugavpils, Latvia

Daugavpils Trade Vocational Secondary School we were discussing some recent topics especially important and connected with development of Intelectual Output 4 that just started in the beginning of April 2016.

Topics for Partner Meeting were as follows:

  1. Summary of work on the result of 3 – Lithuania
  2. The conclusions of the meeting of Latvian employers on 26.04.2016
  3. The current implementation of the outcome 4 (diagnosis, surveys, consultations, training areas created)
  4. Discussion, conclusions, administrative issues.
  5. Dissemination activities

All remarks were sent to Leader right after the meeting as well.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

2016-04-26 12.40.41


2016 April 15

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT) – in Baltosios Vokės, LITHUANIA.

In our partner facilities – Vilnius School of Technology, Business and Agriculture we were discussing some recent topics especially important and connected with development of Intelecual Output 4 that just started in the beginning of April 2016.

Topics for Partner Meeting were as follows:

  1. Summary of work on the result of 3 – Lithuania
  2. The conclusions of the meeting of Lithuanian employers on 13-14.04.2016
  3. The current implementation of the outcome 4 (diagnosis, surveys, consultations, training areas created)
  4. Assessment of the progress report
  5. Dissemination activities
All remarks were sent to Leader right after the meeting as well.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

2016-04-15 IPM

2016 April 1

Project Team from Białystok has already started preparing fourth Intellectual Output.

Project Partner from Bialystok start preparing fourth Intellectual Output. Project Team has already created, so they can start their work in development of a programme of 3 innovative courses on increasing the learning mobility and cooperation with employers, developed on the basis of a tool for assessment of skills and qualifications and with the use of a teaching method and learning materials. Perfect Project invites all cooperating with company entrepreneurs to create an outcome business-oriented way.


2016 March 31

Intellectual output no. 3

We are happy to introduce third intellectual output within the Project. Please read more on output report uploaded to platform moodle:


2016 March 04

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Lomza, POLAND.

On last IPM inside “International Partnership for Improving the Quality of Teaching in Vocational Schools” held in Lomza on 4th March 2016 took place a presentation of educational courses made by Lithuanian partner on Moodle platform within the framework of 2 areas (from 4 chosen before) common for all Project Partners. Also a presentation of project assumptions for result 4 was made by national partner.

We were discussing planned actions in the implementation of the project:
-diagnosis (surveys, interviews and meetings);
-preparation of 3 innovative trainings to increase learning mobility and cooperation with employers – assumptions.

As agreed it shall cover selected areas:

1. Customer Support

2. Marketing

3. Business Ethics

4. Entrepreneurship

5. ICT

After discussion some dissemination activities were presented by national partner including presentation of strategy for dissemination of the project, its objectives and results – examples of actions made by Project Leader.

Elaborated results of the meeting:

1. Introduction to materials posted on Moodle by Lithuanian Partner which includes such topics as: the Internet and the main marketing concepts, development of ICT and its impact on business operations.

2. Business partner from Bialystok presented assumptions concerning achievement of the result 4: schedule of activities, survey for employers – agreed with all partners, that each of them will carry out a survey of 20 employers to the end of March 2016. Also we agreed dates of international project meetings, to develop an IO 4 till the end of September 2016.

3. Become familiar with the strategy of dissemination of the project on the example of developed strategy by national partner from Bialystok.

4. Placing a presentation on Moodle by the Project Leader of the project – “Dissemination of project results”

5. Placing on MOODLE “Regulations and rules of recruiting students to the project” – foreign partners committed to change the regulations adapting it to their regulatory framework.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2016 March 04 - Lomza, POLAND

International Partners Meeting – 2016 March 04 – Lomza, POLAND

2016 February 18-19

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Baltosios Vokės, LITHUANIA.

The next International Partners Meeting was hosted by Lithuanian Partner. The topics covered dissemination activities which we were discussing, and an administrative issues reported by all partners.

During the meeting Valdas Kazlauskas with team were presenting materials prepared by Lithuanian Partner.

Business partner Perfect Project started presenting the idea for preparing activities for Output 4, conducted a presentation about three training programs based on common areas and a presentation of questionnaires templates for Lithuanian, Latvian and Polish employers (survey of the needs, challenges and problems).

International Partners Meeting - February 2016

International Partners Meeting – February 2016


2016 January 12

On-going work, dissemination activities.

Perfect Project Team had dissemination meeting in Regional Competence Center Foundation – non-profit organization, which was created thanks to the commitment of representatives of the various groups operating in education and competence development.

Activities of the Centre are based on the development of competence among teachers, students, graduates, and staff of the regional economy. The form of competence development is adjusted to the nature and needs of the recipients. In the Center, competence development is directly connected with the needs of the regional economy and created exclusively in collaboration with entrepreneurs.

Foundation asked Perfect Project about possible cooperation within the project, because the owner is really interested about implementing some tools in his firm. They are interested to develop innovative trainings during preparatory classes for employers, they can use project outcomes to have stronger relationships with schools.

Project Team invite more NGOs and schools. Please find more information in project offices:

Leader of Partnership

Partner LTPartner LVPartner PL


2015 December 23

Christmas break.

Dear all,
We would like announce, that from December 24, 2015 till 6 January, 2016 all project offices will be closed regarding Christmas Time of each Project Partner. We stop for a few weeks, but after that break we will proceed all works according the agenda.

Happy and Merry Christmas and all the and success in the coming year!

Project Partners from Łomża, Białystok, Daugavpils and Baltoji Voke.


2015 December 04

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Lomza, POLAND.

The next International Partners Meeting was held in Łomża. It began with a demonstration of a part of a lesson, coverin the topic of writing formal letters of complaint, conducted by Mrs. Ewa Walewska.

The Lithuanian Partner, responsible for the third result in the Project, presented further  materials that were prepared according to the works schedule. Mr. Valdas Kazlauskas and Mrs. Diana Ilevicziene presented and discussed the course materials that covered the following topics:

  • The Influence of Internet Marketing
  • The Idea of Marketing
  • E-marketing Aims and Functions
  • The Electronic Marketing Strategy

After the presentation, the group focused on the methodology of preparing educational tools. The Lithuanian Partners conducted a training session “The Structure of a Distance-learning Module: the Methodology, Modeling, Examples and Practice”.

When the substantive work was finished, all the Partners discussed the dissemination activities that have been done so far as well as the subject of the next meeting.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2015 December 04 - Lomza, POLAND

International Partners Meeting – 2015 December 04 – Lomza, POLAND


2015 November 06

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Dougavpils, LATVIA.

Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas Profesionala Vidusskola hosted the Partners from Łomża and Baltoji Voke at our next International Partners Meeting.

We had two main topics on our agenda: presenting the work done by the Lithuanian Team and discussing the whole Project schedule.

The Lithuanian Team presented  the first part of materials being prepared for result No. 3.  After a very detailed presentation of the course “Electronic Marketing”, all the meeting participants logged in to their Moodle accounts and tried the course out. We also discussed the future topics and the form the materials are going to be published on our Project Platform, everything on the basis of the previous common areas that were determined at the previous IMP in Łomża.

The Project works schedule was discussed once again. After reminding ourselves about all the important dates, we concentrated on the work that is being done to support the Partner responsible for the current phase of the Project. We reviewed the activities that will be carried out while the result No. 3 is being produced.

We would like to thank our host for a very warm welcome. The meeting ended with our  positive feelings about the result prepared by the Lithuanian Team and we all look forward to our next meeting in Łomża in December 2015.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2015 November 06 - Dougavpils, LATVIA

International Partners Meeting – 2015 November 06 – Dougavpils, LATVIA


2015 October 1

Project Team from Baltoji Voke has already started preparing third Intellectual Output.

October is the month, in which Project Partner from Baltoji Voke start preparing third Intellectual Output. Project Team has already created, so they can start their work in development training materials for teaching generic and horizontal skills, in particular those related to entrepreneurship, ICT multilingualism with elements of multimedia.


2015 September 30

Intellectual output no. 2

We are happy to introduce second intellectual output within the Project. Please read more on output report uploaded to platform moodle:


2015 September 23-24

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT) – Baltosios Vokės, LITHUANIA.

Vilnius School of Technology, Business and Agriculture once again hosted participants of the project from Lomza and Bialystok in Vilnius durring International Partners Meeting.

The main topic on the agenda were discussions with school headmasters and involved partners about platform, monitoring and evaluation.

Key issue was also important multiplier activities. We talked about it during the meeting and agreed for sending e-mails to schools and other partners and organisations which might be interested about the topic. Website information and other activities were also agreed and any other actions which make us able to disseminate our project.

Next project meeting was agreed to be in Latvia (6th November).

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2015 September 23-24 - Baltoji Voke, LITHUANIA

International Partners Meeting – 2015 September 23-24 – Baltoji Voke, LITHUANIA


2015 September 18

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Lomza, POLAND.

Leader of the project hosted again this year an IPM which main task was to make a summary of 2nd project phase.

The main topic on the agenda were about discussing with Latvian Partners about summary of 2nd project phase (followed by presentation of method and materials),  agreement with Lithuanian Partner about work schedule proposal for next project phase and presenting to all of the partners an online tools overviev to facilitate the preparation of materials on the Web.

After that all parties were determining common areas in terms of development of materials.

Crucial was a part where we were working in groups: each side were preparing their narrow areas of at least 20 issues / areas, eg. sales techniques, e-commerce, documentation in international transport, etc . Groups choose to match areas for other countries, then make the final determination of issues common to all.

At  the end as usuall all the administrative matters were considered and discussed.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2015 September 18 - Lomza, POLAND

International Partners Meeting – 2015 September 18 – Lomza, POLAND


2015 July 1

Summer holidays break.

Dear All,
We would like announce, that from July 1, 2015 till 31 August, 2015 schools project teams will be having summer holidays break. Only Daugavpils Partner will be working with finalizing second IO. Schools stop for a few weeks, but after that break they will proceed all works according the agenda. Perfect Project Team do not have summer holidays break, so in please feel free to contact: [email protected] or [email protected]


2015 June 18-19

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Baltosios Vokės, LITHUANIA.

Vilnius School of Technology, Business and Agriculture once again hosted participants of the project from Lomza, Bialystok, Vilnius and Dougavpils durring International Partners Meeting.

The main topic on the agenda were discussions about the use of platform based on materials previously sent to partners as each partner should have “homework” and discussing about the method of teaching with the use of the platform by Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas profesionala vidusskola (representant)  – according the plan:

1. The forms of e-learning:
• presentation of training materials on the web,
• online support,
• asynchronous and synchronous training.
2. Mixed teaching.
3. Presentation of innovative method of teaching at a vocational school:
How often, what skills will be checked, what skills the method would be applied etc.
4. Discussion about the method.

Second day of meeting went on working in groups with the platform as we were training and did an educational course building, lesson scenarios, lessons examples, presentation possibilities using the platform. Than we had also a discussion about administrative issues as payments,  agenda of next international meetings, reporting (posts on the web, reports management), monitoring and evaluation.


Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2015 June 18-19 - Baltoji Voke, LITHUANIA

International Partners Meeting – 2015 June 18-19 – Baltoji Voke, LITHUANIA


2015 May 29

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Bialystok, POLAND.

At the end of May another IPM was held for the first time in Bialystok, Poland.  Durring the meeting we were discussing issues with the use of platform based on materials previously sent to partners and decided that each partner should have “homework” – meaning that working and practicing the use of platform should be a key to further success.

We were also discussing about the method of teaching using the platform by Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas profesionala vidusskola, according the agenda:
1. E-learning requires fulfillment of three conditions:
-ICT infrastructure,
-platforms program, which allows to create teaching materials,
-important teaching materials,
2. The forms of e-learning:
-presentation of training materials on the web,
-online support,
-asynchronous and synchronous training.
3. Mixed teaching.
4. Presentation of innovative method of teaching at a vocational school – how often, what skills will be checked, what skills the method would be applied, etc.
5. Discussion about the method

Participants were also working with the platform with supervision of the Leader durring training and educational course building by creating:
-lesson scenarios,
-lessons examples,
-presentation of possibilities using the platform.

Part of the meeting was also for discussion on administrative issues:
– payments,
– agenda of next international meetings,
– reporting (posts on the web, reports management)
– monitoring and evaluation.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:

International Partners Meeting - 2015 May 29 - Bialystok, POLAND

International Partners Meeting – 2015 May 29 – Bialystok, POLAND


2015 April 12-14 (LT) & 2015 April 14-17 (LV)

International Partners Meeting (PL+LT+LV) – Baltoji Voke, LITHUANIA & Dougavpils, LATVIA.

In mid April we have prepared and conducted two meetings of international partners involved in the project (Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian Partners). Both of those meetings were developed for substantive support for the launch of work on the result No. 2 which will be prepared by the Latvian partnerDurring the meeting we were discussing the strategy, proposals for further actions and the use of tools prepared by the Leader to develop a methodology inside the project – the analysis of the individual activities, schools and market opportunities for their implementation.

We were discussing and solving the current problems, principles and forms of monitoring and developing project among partners, and had an overview of project outputs and results. We were also establishing methods and ways of implementation of the project results with continuous, ongoing contacts with the leader of the Partnership and Partners to carry out a coherent project activities.

Using the Leader advise we get into point that “the methodology” is not about the instructions or rules for Moodle usage itself – this is basically technical issue concerning only the Platform and it is not a method of teaching. Moodle should only be the tool used in implementing the method, not the method itself. What is more, the method should apply to teaching different subjects, not only Business English, so it cannot be a language teaching method, but something more general.

As a conclusion – methodology is a way of information transfer to students involved in the project, including evaluation criteria. Now we need to describe how we are going to teach your students, and later on how we are going to evaluate their work and knowledge. Moodle will only be the tool which will be used in this method – it will enable us to teach students vocational skills using an innovative teaching and learning environment. Lider agreed that the idea of blended learning is exactly what we will be aiming at – combining traditional learning in a classroom environment with distant and mobile learning with the use of ICT.

Please find photo documentation in the galery below:



2015 April 1

Project Team from Daugavpils has already started preparing second Intellectual Output.

April is the month, in which Project Partner from Daugavpils start preparing second Intellectual Output. Project Team has already created, so they can start their work in development of an innovative teaching method in a vocational schools created with the support of innovative multimedia technologies and ICT, and focusing on teaching with the use of mobile technology (d-learning and m-learning).


2015 March 31

Intellectual output no. 1

We are happy to introduce first intellectual output within the Project. Please read more on output report and platform moodle:


2015 February 27

2nd International Partners Meeting (IPM No. 2) – Lomza, POLAND.

Leader prepared a presentation of innovative tools to assess the skills and qualifications created using on-line tools, mobile technologies in cross-sectoral and creative approaches (platform).

During the second meeting all Partners were represented durring workgroup activities:

– discussion on key issues inside the project;
English-language contract – signing;
– discussion about key activities prepared by the Project Leader.

Main scope was also a supporting actions of the Partners while working with the tool (platform) and the computer lab.

We were also discussing an administrative issues:
– discussion about the experts cooperation and their documentation;
payments and settlements issues;
 schedule for the next meetings of the Leader and Partners;
reporting (Information Exchange Platform, management reports);
– monitoring and evaluation.

Please find IPM No. 2 photo documentation in the gallery:

Project Map

Project Map


2015 January 12

On-going work, dissemination activities.

Perfect Project Team had dissemination meeting in Biurograf Andrzej Stepaniuk Company, which is specializing in graphic and design projects. Company asked Perfect Project about possible cooperation within the project, because company owner is really interested about implementing some tools in his firm. They are interested to develop ICT tools in their company within vocational trainings, they can use project outcomes to have stronger relationships with schools.

Project Team invite more companies and schools. Please find more information in project offices:

Leader of Partnership

Partner LTPartner LVPartner PL


2014 December 23

Christmas break.

Dear all,
We would like announce, that from December 24, 2014 till 6 January, 2015 all project offices will be closed regarding Christmas Time of each Project Partner. We stop for a few weeks, but after that break we will proceed all works according the agenda.

Happy and Merry Christmas and all the and success in the coming year!

Project Partners from Łomża, Białystok, Daugavpils and Baltoji Voke.


2014 December 11-12

International Partners Meeting (IPM) – Lomza, POLAND.

During the first meeting all Partners were represented in preparatory activities:
– purpose and character of the project
– management and activities of the project
– role of project partners
– procedures for the adoption of participants
– teachers and pupils involved in the project
– international meetings
– information and organizational meetings inside the project
– monitoring of the project

A detailed description of the activities and results of the project:
– description of the products, results and outputs of the project
– implementation of the project results
– network of cooperation between partners
– forms of experts cooperation
– documentation
– experience exchange

Schedule of project activities:
– discussion on the action stages
– coherence and complementarity of solutions
– implementing results

Dissemination activities of the project results:
– conferences
– seminars
– evaluation activities

Billing, reimbursement and financial issues between the partners in this project:
– establishing the financial terms and scope of cooperation
– mutual obligations
– international meetings reimbursements
– project management
– key staff – the issue of employment and work documentation
– implementation of the project results – work merits
– disseminate the results of projects – funding

And last but the most important – the ceremonial of signing the agreements between partners !

Please find IPM foto documentation below:

2014 December 3

Working meeting of Polish Partners.

During the visit, we have been preparing and discussing the final shape of  work plan, timetable, basic documents which will be necessary inside the project and last but not least – the Partner Agreement with annexes. Lot of work still in progres.

2014 November 19

Working month, project documents.

Project within strategic partnerships developed in the sector “KA2 Education and Vocational Training” (Erasmus + Program) is one of the most difficult to implement, because it involves international partners with own financial and legal procedures. So, that is way Project Teams are focusing in preparing the final shape of Partner Agreement with annexes, timetables and other basic documents which will be necessary inside the project. All project documents need to be a compromise between project consortium and need to be clear for all project members.

All project partners do their best to close that part till December.

Project Leader still is working with first Intellectual Output. All partners are updated about first ideas and proposals. We will discuss deeply during first project meeting in December.


2014 October 6

Project Team from Lomza has already started preparing first Intellectual Output.

October is the month, in which Project Leader start preparing first Intellectual Output. Project Team has already created, so they can start their work in development of an innovative toll with which to assess vocational skills and qualifications created with the use of on-line tools, mobile technologies and cross-sectoral and creative approaches. All Partners are supporting Project Leader and are engaged in each stage of project implementation.


2014 September 1

Project just began.

We are really happy to announce that project “International Partnership for Improving the Quality of Teaching in Vocational Schools” within strategic partnerships developed in the sector “KA2 Education and Vocational Training” (Erasmus + Program) has already begin. The main aim of the project is to improve the quality and innovation in vocational education and training.

Perfect Project is one of the Partners, who is responsible for creation of innovative training programs.

We wish luck for all project partners.