Erasmus+ KA2 MK-AT-PL

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“Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills”

Project consortium:




Our recent Key action 2 project in Adult Education – MLS4Eng priorities are as follows:

– Developing basic and transversal skills using innovative method
– Enhancing digital integration in learning, teaching, training and youth work at various level
– Ceating high quality learning opportunities

Objectives of MLS4Eng:

– Continuous education and specialization for professional career development
– Setting up a new international professional development courses in the field of engineering management and leadership
– Developing new innovative learning opportunities for adult learners
– Preparing courses for management and leadership for improving competences, professional profiles, development
– Ensure high quality learning opportunities and provide effective strategies for enhancing management skills

Project innovativeness:

– Professional development courses for engineering management and leadership skills will be tailored, developed and implemented to the needs and expectations of engineering managers
– Increase the quality of adult education, combining high level of excellence and attractiveness
– Improve the capacities of engineers for their better performance in the companies they work
– Unique opportunity which will provide exclusive input of knowledge and exchange of experiences