Work Based Learning 2.0
“Work Based Learning 2.0”
“Work Based Learning 2.0” is a Strategic Partnership project in the field of VET, co-funded by the Erasmus + program.
The project, promoted by Sistema Practices s.l. ESMOVIA (Spain), is being developed by a transnational partnership, composed of Pixel Cultural Association (Italy), Confartigianato Imprese Bergamo (Italy), Epimorfotiki Kilkis (Greece), Dundee and Angus College (United Kingdom) y e-Mundus (Lithuania).
The main objective of the project is to promote the work based learning among VET students, companies, VET providers and social actors, as well as to improve the effectiveness of WBL approach and experiences, through:
- improving the cooperation between educational sector and enterprises, providing internships for web design and social media marketing students, based on labor market needs,
- motivating students at risk of dropping out to keep studying, using WBL innovative strategies,
- enhancing the participation of companies in WBL initiatives,
- internationalizing the training offer and the WBL approach.
In order to achieve this goal, partners have been working to produce the following results:
- a Video Gallery of video interviews and testimonials, through which companies from partner countries tell about the strategic use of social media in digital marketing,
- an online platform for the organization and management of internships,
- guidelines for the organization and management of transnational internships.
All the results are free of license and available on the project webiste:
Perfect Project Sp. z o.o. collaborate on this project as associated partner, contributing the project information and results dissemination.