Project Gastrotechnicy number FEPD.08.01-IZ.00-0010/24 implemented in partnership by Perfect Project Sp. z o.o., the City of Białystok and the Complex of Catering Schools in Białystok under Priority VIII Funds for education and social inclusion, Measure 8.1 Development of education and training of the European Funds for Podlaskie Programme for 2021-2027 European Social Fund PLUS.
The main objective of the project is to improve the skills and quality of practical education and better adapt to the needs of the labor market among 100 (59F, 41M) students and 20 (16F, 4M) teachers of vocational education at the Complex of Catering Schools in Białystok taking part in internships and additional specialist classes with employers in the period until December 31, 2026.
Main tasks/project results:
– implementation of 80 student internships by students of ZSG in Białystok,
– implementation of 4 professional internships by teachers of education of ZSG in Białystok in 2026,
– participation in 2 Gastronomic Fairs by 40 students of ZSG in Białystok,
– participation in 2 specialist courses on the go with entrepreneurs by 14 students of ZSG in Białystok,
– participation in 2 study visits to companies in the following sectors: nutrition and catering services and food technology by 20 teachers of ZSG in Białystok,
– participation in 2 gastronomic workshops conducted by entrepreneurs for 10 teachers of ZSG in Białystok.
Project implementation period: 01.02.2025 – 31.12.2026
Project funding from the EU: PLN 623,397.50
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