New school year – new ventures

New school year – new ventures

The 2019/2020 school year can be considered as started, and with it we start other projects in Perfect Project. On November 1, 2019 we are starting the implementation of two important projects. The first of these will be the preparation and implementation of internships at international enterprises in Vilnius by students from Augustowskie Centrum Edukacyjne and Zespoł Szkół Technicznych i Ogólnokształcących im. S. Staszica z Oddziałami...

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The Perfect Project trainer conducted training in Macedonia

The Perfect Project trainer conducted training in Macedonia

Perfect Project is a partner of the project “TREASURE” realized within Visegrad fund. Among our activities for which we are responsible was the preparation of a report on sustainable development and conducting training for Macedonian decision makers and young people who have an impact on environmentally friendly decisions. This training took place in Skopje (Macedonia) on August 23-26 this year. We invite you to view photos from...

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Time for summaries and goodbyes

Time for summaries and goodbyes

Holidays are coming to an end, and with them the stay of the last group from Italy this year. Today (23 August this year) there was a farewell to students from Italy, during which we summarized their stay, gathered opinions and exchanged experiences to be able to constantly improve their activities and improve the quality of our team’s work. In addition, students who carried out their internship in Department of Geodesy of the City of...

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Promotional materials prepared by interns

Promotional materials prepared by interns

The second week of students’ internship is almost coming to an end, that’s why we already have the first work results. Two interns have prepared promotional materials about their school, city and region of origin. We invite everyone willing to learn and expand knowledge about Italy. Presentation about VENETO region Presentation about MONTEBELLUNA city Presentation about Einaudi-Scarpa school

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Polish language course completed!

Polish language course completed!

Participation of Italians in a Polish language course is a challenge for them. But thanks to the knowledge, approach and accessible transfer of knowledge by the teacher, all participants completed the course with a positive result and received certificates. This basic knowledge of the language will certainly facilitate their stay in our city. Photo from certificates...

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Welcome in Białystok!

Welcome in Białystok!

Today (27.07.2019) we welcomed another group of students from the Italian vocational school – IIS Einaudi – Scarpa, which is already the last this year. Following the example of their predecessors, students will carry out 4-week internships in companies from Białystok, according to their profession, i .e. GOWITHMAGENTO Sp. z o.o. Sp. K., QLS sp. z o.o., EURONET Norbert Saniewski Sp. J., Urząd Miejski – Departament Geodezji, Infinity...

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