Went to Spain to train on the topic of organic food

Went to Spain to train on the topic of organic food

From 21 to 25 January, 2019 in Valencia there was a training called “Organic food in hotel gastronomy” realized as part of the “GaTIS – Innovative Solutions in Tourism and Gastronomy”. The organizer of the event was Perfect Project, in close cooperation with partners: Centro Superior De Hostelería Del Mediterraneo and Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas profesionala vidusskola. The training was attended by representatives of...

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New partneship in Spain

New partneship in Spain

Representatives of Perfect Project, going through the current requirements of the labor market and at the same time vocational schools from Białystok and the region, left for a short visit to Valencia. The trip is aimed at coordinating the current activities of the company, but also establishing new partnerships in future projects initiated by Perfect Project, in which our partners are the beneficiaries. On January 24, 2019 there was a meeting...

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Information Day of the Erasmus+ Program

Information Day of the Erasmus+ Program

On January 8, 2019 in Warsaw, the Erasmus + Information Day was organized for the sixth time, in which the representatives of Perfect Project also participated. Nearly a thousand people from all over Poland took part in the event. Participants took part in thematic sessions devoted to projects under the Erasmus+ Program and not only. It concerned, among others higher education, youth and adult education, vocational training or eTwinning (modern...

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Cooperation between teachers and entrepreneurs in the field of gastronomy

Cooperation between teachers and entrepreneurs in the field of gastronomy

On 14/12/2018 a substantive meeting took place between project participants (9 teachers and 3 entrepreneurs) and project partners: Daugavpils Tirdzniecibas profesionala vidusskola, Centro Superior De Hostelería Del Mediterraneo and leader – Perfect Project in the Gastronomic Schools Complex in Bialystok. Regarding the implementation of the “GaTIS-Innovative Solutions in Tourism and Gastronomy” project implemented by Perfect...

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3D modeling in the augmented reality as the future of education in the field of automation and pneumatics

3D modeling in the augmented reality as the future of education in the field of automation and pneumatics

On November 17-19, 2018 In Sofia, Bulgaria, the first International Meeting of the Education 4.0 group of project partners took place Our company realizes this project as a partner in a consortium with a vocational school from Bulgaria and Croatia, as well as representatives of companies from Bulgaria and Slovenia that are world leaders and experts in the field of pneumatics and automation. Education 4.0 is a project implemented under the...

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Vocational teachers from Spain visits Podlaskie region

Vocational teachers from Spain visits Podlaskie region

Between September 25-29 this year in our region upon the invitation of Perfect Project Sp. z o.o. representatives of partner entities from cooperating CIPFP Center Luis Suñer Sanchis from Valencia, Spain visits Podlaskie. On September 26, a study visit took place at Optima Polska representatives of the partner who had the opportunity to become acquainted with one of the most interesting investments carried out by this entity. Undertaking...

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