New opportunities for cooperation in Spain

New opportunities for cooperation in Spain

In the days from 13 to 16 November the representative of Perfect Project participated in a professional visit to Valencia, during which took place meetings with three vocational schools with different education profiles. All the meetings were very fruitful, and the result was the exchange of experience and good practice and cooperation in the field of practical forms of qualification in the Podlaskie region by students of vocational schools...

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Development of cooperation in Italy

Development of cooperation in Italy

Italy is famous for high quality products and rich culinary traditions. The gastronomy industry is a well-defined sector of hotel and gastronomy and tourism companies and a corresponding group of tourism, hotel and catering and industries. The great potential of tourism in the region, creates high demand for cooks also from abroad. Exchange of good practices, learning from each other are the goals that lead to the development of Perfect Project...

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Perfect Project participates in Entrepreneurs Week in Łapy

Perfect Project participates in Entrepreneurs Week in Łapy

From 13 to 17 November in the School of Mechanical Engineering in Łapy will take place the Entrepreneurship Week with active participation of pupils, employers and representatives of local government. The purpose of the event is to support conscious development, shaping attitudes in the field of entrepreneurship and acquisition of knowledge about the labor market and the required competences and qualifications. The program includes many...

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Collaboration of companies with vocational schools – practice, questions and challenges

Collaboration of companies with vocational schools – practice, questions and challenges

On 22 November Regional Center of Competence, organizes a seminar focused on cooperation of vocational schools with employers and good practices, managed within Erasmus + projects in the eastern macroregion. During the meeting invited guests – employers, representatives of schools and universities – will discuss about the challenges and expectations that exist in the field of practical training of the profession. Detailed...

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Visit in vocational schools in Prague

Visit in vocational schools in Prague

Within the days October 17-18 Perfect Project representative met with two vocational schools from Prague. The visit was aimed at exchanging experiences and good practices and establishing cooperation in the field of practical forms of qualification in the Podlasie region. During the meeting team members also discussed about AlterDrive project, which aims to develop a strategic partnership that will improve the quality and relevance of...

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Vouchers for training with the possibility of co-financing

Vouchers for training with the possibility of co-financing

Dear all, We inform that the city of Białystok and Białystok district are partners of the project “Integrated program for the development of lifelong learning system focused on the quality and needs of the regional economy” co-financed by the European Social Fund within the framework of the Podlasie Regional Operational Program for the years 2014-2020, Priority Axis III Competences and Qualifications , Measure 3.2 Development and...

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