We educate technicians from specific industries – mechatronics, electricians, car mechanics, construction workers and logisticians from schools in Białystok, Augustów and Szczuczyn as part of our Erasmus+ accreditation in Valencia, Spain

We educate technicians from specific industries – mechatronics, electricians, car mechanics, construction workers and logisticians from schools in Białystok, Augustów and Szczuczyn as part of our Erasmus+ accreditation in Valencia, Spain

At the turn of May and June this year, a group of young people from technicians from our region (ACE in Augustów, ZSZ5 in Białystok and ZS in Szczuczyn), thanks to the accreditation granted to us under the Erasmus+ Program, can gain practical knowledge in Spanish companies in Valencia. In addition to practical classes, thanks to the great weather and opportunities offered by this great city with 10 metro lines, young people gain new linguistic,...

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Preparations for summer internships as part of the “Mechnix” project

Preparations for summer internships as part of the “Mechnix” project

The activities planned as part of the “Mechnix” project are slowly coming to an end. Professional internships planned for July 2023 will be the last of the activities planned in this project. Currently, intensive preparations are underway, i.e. we are organizing meetings with students and teachers at school, we are talking about internship programs, we are setting organizational details in companies. This year, students will carry...

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We welcome students from Vilnius to Erasmus Pro internships

We welcome students from Vilnius to Erasmus Pro internships

This year is full of new activities and projects that we undertake together with our foreign partners. And so, one of the new projects implemented by Perfect Project are long-term internships under the Erasmus + Program. On May 23, two students from Vilniaus technologijų ir inžinerijos mokymo centras came to Białystok for three-month internships in the following companies: Hotel ibis Styles in Białystok and IT Perspective in Wasilków. We spend...

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Competition at the Gastronomic School Complex in Białystok

Competition at the Gastronomic School Complex in Białystok

On May 22, 2023 the first edition of the Gastronomic Competition “Pork on the Podlasie Table” took place in the Complex of Gastronomic Schools in Białystok. A total of thirteen teams from nine schools from the province participated in the competition: Podlaskie, Mazowieckie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Lubelskie. Our company had the pleasure of providing organizational support to our foreign partner who participated in this competition,...

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Organizational meeting in connection with participation in summer professional internships in Białystok

Organizational meeting in connection with participation in summer professional internships in Białystok

On May 16, 2023 an organizational meeting with students qualified for holiday internships under the “Mechnix” projects took place. During the meeting, we established all the data necessary to order work clothes in accordance with the employers’ needs, data for obtaining city cards, which must be obtained to use public transport during the internship. We discussed the planned placement places and all necessary logistic details. Planned date of...

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Meeting with partners from Germany and Spain in Vilnius

Meeting with partners from Germany and Spain in Vilnius

As part of building new strategic partnerships, we had the opportunity to meet with vocational schools cooperating with us from Germany and Spain. The meeting took place in Vilnius and was hosted by Vilniaus technologijų ir inžinerijos mokymo centras. During the visit, we got acquainted with the impressive technical facilities of the school in Vilnius, exchanged experiences in the field of practical vocational training, as well as talked about...

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