We educate technicians from specific industries – mechatronics, electricians, car mechanics, construction workers and logisticians from schools in Białystok, Augustów and Szczuczyn as part of our Erasmus+ accreditation in Valencia, Spain

Posted by on June 11, 2023

At the turn of May and June this year, a group of young people from technicians from our region (ACE in Augustów, ZSZ5 in Białystok and ZS in Szczuczyn), thanks to the accreditation granted to us under the Erasmus+ Program, can gain practical knowledge in Spanish companies in Valencia.

In addition to practical classes, thanks to the great weather and opportunities offered by this great city with 10 metro lines, young people gain new linguistic, cultural and social experiences. We keep our fingers crossed for the successful completion of the internships and, of course, a safe return home in full squad.